Read About It Sing About It - Out Now!

The first of the 'Learn About It, Sing About It' series, this comprehensive collection of reading strategy songs was developed by retired teacher, and reading comprehension interventionist, Matilda Gilbert. With the aim of engaging and enlivening learners to take on reading comprehension skills and embrace test-taking strategies, Read About It, Sing About It is intelligent music that will be appealing to learners of all ages.

Featured Track

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Compare Contrast

Matilda Gilbert

Learners can better understand the complexity of ideas when they can compare and contrast them. The process of comparing and contrasting examines the similarities and contrasts between or among concepts. Observing similarities and contrasts between concepts contributes to the ability to generalize, categorize, sort, assess, and comprehend new

Learners can better understand the complexity of ideas when they can compare and contrast them. The process of comparing and contrasting examines the similarities and contrasts between or among concepts. Observing similarities and contrasts between concepts contributes to the ability to generalize, categorize, sort, assess, and comprehend new knowledge.

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Music enhances the education of our children by helping them to make connections and broadening the depth with which they think and feel. ” - Yo-Yo Ma

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